Application for divorce through court in Ukraine

Statement of claim for divorce

Application for divorce through court in Ukraine

When filing a divorce process, one of the important stages is an application for divorce through the court in Ukraine.

Divorce in court is formalized in families with minor children, as well as in the event that one of the spouses does not agree to divorce. Also, a divorce is filed in court if the husband or wife for some reason cannot be present at the dissolution of the marriage.

If a married couple does not have common children under 18 years of age and both spouses agree to dissolve the marriage, then they can formalize the dissolution of the marriage through the registry office.

Apply for divorce to the court in Ukraine

The first thing you need to do to file an application for divorce through the court is to determine which version of the application needs to be prepared.

There are two types of application for divorce in court:

  1. Joint – relevant for spouses with mutual consent to divorce if they have common children.
  2. Claim – filed by one of the couple if the second is against the divorce or cannot be present during the registration of the divorce process.

It should be noted that in some cases, lawyers recommend filing a claim for divorce even if the husband and wife agree to divorce.

How to apply for divorce through court?

After determining the type of divorce petition, you must determine which district court to apply to. When filing a joint application, spouses can apply to the district court at the place of registration or residence of one of the couple.

When filing a claim for divorce, you should go to the court at the place of residence or registration of the defendant. If a husband files for divorce, he goes to court at his wife’s place of residence.

If the plaintiff has legal grounds, then he can file for divorce at his place of registration: if health does not allow him to go to court at the defendant’s place of residence or there are minor children in custody.

Joint application for divorce through court in Ukraine

If the husband and wife mutually agree to divorce, a joint statement can be prepared. An agreement on children must be attached to it.

Such an agreement is certified by a notary. It prescribes all aspects of raising children: where and with whom they will live, how parents will participate in the material support and upbringing of the child.

A special feature of a joint application is the ability for one of the spouses to withdraw the application for divorce from the court. If the husband or wife changes their mind about getting a divorce, they can withdraw the application and the divorce process will be stopped.

Statement of claim for divorce in court

A claim for divorce is filed by one of the spouses. When filing a claim for divorce, you can be sure that the other spouse will not be able to withdraw the application, unlike a joint application for divorce.

If you file a claim if the second spouse disagrees, you should be prepared for the fact that the other party may delay the divorce process. For example, a spouse may fail to appear at a court hearing, resulting in the next date for consideration of your divorce case being set.

To speed up the divorce process, you can use the services of a family law attorney. A lawyer will help you prepare a claim, as well as quickly dissolve your marriage through the court.

How to quickly file for divorce through court

Today it is possible to file an application for divorce through the court in Ukraine online yourself using the Judicial Power of Ukraine system. To do this, you must register in the system using a digital signature.

After this, you can fill out the application form and attach the necessary documents for divorce. It is important not to make a mistake in the application, as this could affect the outcome of the case. If there are errors, the court authorities will not consider your application for divorce.

To be sure that the application for divorce is prepared correctly, it is better to use the services of a lawyer.

Prepare an application for divorce through the court online

If you want to apply for divorce through the court online without errors and problems, you can contact a family lawyer. A family law lawyer will help you correctly prepare a joint or statement of claim, as well as quickly dissolve your marriage.

A family lawyer can help with filing an application to court online – without a personal meeting. You need to sign an agreement with a lawyer so that the lawyer can contact the court and other organizations on your behalf. It is fashionable to conclude an agreement with a lawyer remotely via the Internet.

Lawyer services: apply for divorce through court in Ukraine

A family lawyer can prepare a divorce petition and submit it to the court. In addition, the lawyer will prepare all the documents necessary for the divorce.

Family lawyer
Skryabina Daria Sergeevna
Skryabina Daria Sergeevna
Candidate of Legal Sciences
You don't have to participate in the divorce process and file your divorce online. The lawyer will assume all responsibilities for registering the divorce. You can get a divorce through the court while abroad or in another city.

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